Always Writing(This is excerpted from my booklet, Day by Day: 30 Devotions for the Christian Writer.)I love this quote; “If I fall asleep with a pen in my hand, don’t remove it. I might be writing.” (Danzae Pace)
Writers are always writing. They are writing when they are asleep; they are writing when they are in the pick-up line after school; they are writing when they are on vacation; they are writing when they are on their lunch break; they are writing when they are in a church service; they are writing when they are talking to friends; they are writing when they are taking a shower.
I don’t mean that you, as a writer, are always literally writing with a pen in your hand or a computer next to you. But I do mean that you are always in a state of writing. You are always open to whatever is happening around you, and how that might evolve into words on a page.
I will make a confession here and say that some of my best writing has been done in the bathtub! I am a big fan of long, hot, bubble baths and I have completed articles in my head while lying in that tub.
I have also come up with some of my best ideas ever while I’ve been driving down the interstate. Thank goodness I had a notebook in my car so that I could write them down (as soon as I stopped driving!).
If you are a writer, you want to always be aware of things around you. Notice what other people are saying, notice what that billboard says, and notice the feelings you have as you experience events and moments. I truly believe that writers (and other artists, as well) are much more aware of their surroundings than “normal” people.
And then, be sure and chronicle those things that become meaningful to you. Don’t expect the words to only come while you’re at the computer; be open to them at any time. And if you come up with an idea in your sleep, write it down as soon as you wake up.
To think and write about:
*Buy a notebook that you can keep in your purse, your car, by your bedside, anywhere that inspiration might strike you.
*When have you been inspired in the past week? Write a few paragraphs describing how and what inspired you.
1 comment:
Hi Cheryl! I, too, am a Southern gal from right here in Calera, Alabama. I really wanted to go the She Speaks conference but I didn't want to drive that far and pay that much money to go. I just found the Southern Christian Writers Conference online; a day late and a dollar short! I am new to blogging but not new to the love of writing.
I would love to buy your book and talk to again sometime to gain insight and help from you with writing. I would love to be able to publish small articles, etc. but I don't know how yet. I am leaving that with the Lord!
Abundant blessings,
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